Sunday, March 10, 2013

Applying the Idea

Hey guys! Here is my idea for how I am going to apply the research done on Greywater Treatment Systems! Feel free to post any ideas that could add onto, or even replace, my current ones!

I will be measuring the water flow in my family's house just outside of Penticton, B.C.  This includes sink taps, showers, toilets, the dishwasher, and the clothes washer   "Schedules" will be placed by these fixtures, and the user will record their usage, e.g. 5 minute shower, 1 toilet flush, etc. (my family is going to hate me).  These times will be combined with the information from the shop drawings of each of the fixtures to determine how much water grey water flows into the septic tank that could be treated instead.  These numbers can be used to determine a pay back rate for the cost of retrofitting the house with a grey water treatment system.


  1. Good idea, how long will you be monitoring the water usage?

    1. Ideally, I will be monitoring for the 4 months of summer and calculating a daily, weekly, and monthly average. Hopefully my "test subjects" are willing to help me out for that long!

  2. Here is a link to the local company that deals with greywater systems: .
    I heard from a third party that they might be out of business due to onerous regulations, but the owner was very helpful the last time I talked to him. Maybe you can work on reducing some of these regulations?

    1. That's a good idea, it's too bad these regulations interfere with innovative ideas and technologies. Thank you very much!

  3. do people in penticton have to pay for water? if so then monitoring the water usage through an already in place system may be more reliable and easier on your family, you could just subtract the water usage used in irrigation if your family uses that kind of system.

    1. I apologize for the delayed response, I did answer before but it appears the post wasn't published. We do pay for water, and I'm currently looking into acquiring a copy of one of the bills. I do know that the bill is payed annually, which would give a much more accurate reading over a longer period of time. Thanks for the advice!

  4. Do you think that four months just over the summer months would be able to give you a accurate reading? I know summertime involves being out and about a lot more than the rest of the year, wether it be camping, out for the day at a lake, on vacation etc. I know in the summertime I am not home nearly as much therefore not using as much water. Just a thought.

    1. Perhaps Desiree is right, but I am sure there are lots of calculations and stats done that John will reference too. Props to you and your family on the commitment towards the research applying yourself as much as you can in the allotted time. And I am sure it will help your family in considering water consumption options.

      There has been a province wide almost mandatory water meter installation over the past many years. I have a good contact in Management for this particular project throughout the province with Corix. If you have any questions for him I would be happy to forward his information to you.

      Good Luck Big Bad Johnny Deuce

    2. Thanks John, I'll keep that contact in mind!

  5. The idea of monitoring your family's water grey water usage by putting up schedules is a good idea. How accurate do you think this method of monitoring will be? Would it be more accurate to install some sort of flow meter or water meter in order to record the total amount of water then compare that to the total if the fixtures were upgraded to more environmentally friendly, low-flow, models. Anyway you will be able to accurately record this data is good though, relying on your family remembering to record every use of water for a 4 month period may be a little on the inaccurate side, depending on how reliable their recording would be. 4 months may also not be a long enough time frame, since water usage does relate to the seasons maybe a 12 month monitoring time line would be better; although, I understand this research has a deadline as to when it needs to be completed. I hope these ideas are of use to you and good luck with the rest of your research!

    1. In answer to both Desiree and Teralynn, I would like to monitor the flow for longer than 4 months, but with the 3rd year rapidly approaching, I won't have the opportunity. However, contrary to what Desiree said, summertime would provide the most accurate reading for my family, as irrigation is in full fledge, both my sister and I are home for the holidays, and both my parents are off of work. Also, we are a boring family, so we never go anywhere! I'm currently looking into how detailed our water bill is to give a more accurate reading; if that fails, then I will have to settle with four months of measurements.

  6. This is a pretty interesting topic, Jon. I'm wondering, with treating grey water, does that its self have any sort of adverse effects on the environment? I guess I'm not too clear on how the treatment of the grey water would work.

    Do you use chemicals, or some sort of filter system? If you've already posted about that and I just missed it, my mistake, but if not, explaining some of the methods used to treat the grey water would wash away some uncertainty.

    1. There are multiple different techniques for treating grey water. However, as far as most household systems go, it will incorporate both of those techniques. A filter combined with a disinfecting tablet work in unison to clear up both the water, and your question!

  7. Hey Jon! Your project is looking pretty dialed to take shape in the summer. I found a sweet paper with a photo that illustrates how rainwater collection could be combined with a grey water treatment system, more water is usually more awesome. Check out page 63 for the photo
